I am so honored and humbled to have been nominated and accepted into the Forbes Coaches Council. I am so blessed with having great mentors who always see more in me and challenge me to be more. No matter where we are in life and how successful we think we are, we always can be better and need mentors and coaches who elevate us and celebrate us. And yes, coaches need their own mentors and coaches too!
When I got the call from Forbes informing me that I have been nominated, explaining to me the vetting process that took place, the benefits of being part of the Forbes Coaches Council, and asking me if I would accept the invitation - my response was "Are you kidding me?" Who am I to say no to an opportunity that God opens up for me?
As I was reflecting on this honor and opportunity, I was thinking about the years of continuously investing in myself to be able to add value to others, and I can say with confidence that there really is a formula to success.
Have Mentors and Coaches
One of the factors of the success formula is surrounding yourself with people more significant than you and people who see your greater potential, even if you don't see it yet. No matter how good you think you are, there is always someone better than you are in the areas that you want to grow in - that someone has already been where you are and can show you the way. That someone can also show you your blind spots and help you cast a bigger vision for your life. That is what happened with my mentor - he always believed in me before I believed in myself! So stand on the shoulders of mentors to see what they see in you!
Surround Yourself Daily With Like-Minded and Growth-Minded People
The second factor of the success formula is daily surrounding yourself with like-minded and growth-minded people who will always challenge and stretch you to be better. In a world that is full of noise, negativity, and average (especially more so during the pandemic season that we are living through today globally), having like-minded and growth-minded people around you does create a conducive environment for thriving despite the challenges and difficulties. That is where I have been positioning myself, too, while I have been creating this growth environment for leaders I have been working with for years.
Know and Continuously Develop Your Strengths
We all have special gifts and talents that make us unique. God created everyone with a purpose, and our strengths and talents are the guides to that purpose. My love for teaching and empowering lead me to mentoring and coaching that I so enjoy today. My strength in developing and empowering others by helping them see their blind spots and hold them accountable creates better lives at home, at schools, in businesses, and in the communities!
Have a Clear Purpose That Is Bigger Than You
So many drift through their lives without a purpose and, even worse, without a purpose that is bigger than themselves. A purpose that will not only fulfill you but will make a positive impact in the lives of those you interact with. I discovered my purpose in life after I became a mother - I realized that my kids would not be living in a bubble and I have to do my part in creating a better future for them. That means developing and elevating the lives of not only the children but the parent and grandparent generations. This is where the new generation of self-aware, conscious, and evolved leaders vision came to life and lead me to the NewGen Global Leaders company I started.
Stay Consistent and Committed Even if You Are Not Seeing the Results Yet
Baby steps are what all my clients hear me constantly talk about - take the baby steps every day, be consistent. Even if you are not making massive changes and are not seeing the fruits of your action, you are moving forward in the direction of your clearly defined purpose. You will not know all the steps you need to take three years from now, but you know the steps you need to take today and tomorrow. Be consistent with your actions and committed to yourself. Commitment is not only when it is convenient but also when you do not feel like it. For years I have invested in myself developing, stretching, and removing my own self-limiting beliefs to serve and add value to others. Having gone through the process of my own, I clearly see and relate to the challenges others have, I can help them see the solutions and hold them accountable to the results they want in life.
Have Faith and Stay Obedient
Last but not least, probably one of the most important factors in the success formula is having faith - staying aware and obedient to that still whisper of God inside of you. For years I have tried to do it all with my own strengths only. And even though I believed that there is a supernatural power that is bigger than us and that is in control of everything, I was not obedient to the voice because I didn't want to sound like I have a mental condition and I didn't know the Truth. I relied on opinions and what society and culture were telling me instead of having a relationship with our Creator and knowing the Truth directly from His word. I have learned to listen to the promptings, be obedient by doing my part of the work, and letting go to let God do His part!
So even though at times it feels like nothing is happening keep moving forward, it does take years of developing the clarity, hard work, and intentionality! But from my own experience, I can say with certainty - if you follow this success formula, you will live a life worth living.
"There are no quick wins in business - it takes years to become an overnight success." Richard Branson
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