Happy 4th of July!

social media posts Jul 04, 2020

Happy Independence Day! On this day of Freedom, my prayers are that we all remember the true meaning of Freedom. As we celebrate America’s birthday, I can’t help thinking and reflecting on how the meaning of freedom has been skewed. What saddens me is how much wrong and evil is happening in our country today in the name of Freedom.


Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean you are free to speak words without thinking and considering the consequences of insulting and hurting others

Freedom of Life doesn’t mean you are free to be the judge, jury, and the executioner of someone else’s life

Freedom of Doing doesn’t mean that you are free to destroy or steal what others worked so hard to create.


What Freedom really is:
F – Fair treatment for all, regardless of color, size, background, beliefs, and anything else
– Respecting each other’s differences and similarities

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social media posts Jun 10, 2020

We cannot change the world of hatred by hating back
We cannot change the world of disrespect by disrespecting back
We cannot stop the violence in the world by perpetrating even more violence
Our words and actions are the outward expressions of what is in our hearts!
To change the world we need to search within our hearts and be brutally honest with ourselves – DO I VALUE, RESPECT, AND LOVE THE LIFE OF EVERY PERSON I INTERACT WITH. And then take appropriate action to make sure that one day you can say with clear consciousness that I DO!

Everyone needs to take that step and the first step – we cannot wait for someone else to do it first. WE ALL HAVE TO BE THE FIRST ONE AT THE SAME TIME! Until we go back down to the foundational core values of humanity as God created us, we will not be able to create a sustainable change in our society. No amount of protests or laws passed will do the work that we need to create a BETTER SOCIETY FOR OURSELVES AND OUR KIDS! It will only continue...

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Growing Through Crisis

social media posts Mar 22, 2020

You might have heard of the saying that circumstances don't make us, circumstances reveal us to ourselves and everyone else around us. It equally applies to the crisis - crisis reveals our leadership strengths and weaknesses. Hence, it helps us see the areas we need to grow in. Don't waste the opportunity today's crisis brings to us to stretch and grow to be the best version of yourself and be the best leader you can be - your family, your community and the world needs you to shine! Invest in improving yourself every day!

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Adaptability is the Name of the Game

social media posts Mar 19, 2020

Adaptability is the Name of the Game – 8 weeks ago we started 2 powerful Mastermind Groups in Person and had an amazing transformational journey – “Becoming a Person of Influence” and “LeaderSHIFT” Mastermind Groups. Wonders happen when powerful like-minded ladies get together in one room and learn, grow and share with full authenticity with each other. Adaptability and Opportunities became an overarching theme of our current circumstances and guess what, we adapted very well – we were forced out of the boardroom to the screens of our computers, but some things will never change. Those are the power of collaboration, empowerment, stretching each other to grow and creating. We might be temporarily forced to do things differently – but it will never change our WHY. Transforming lives and making this world a better place to live for everyone is what GREAT LEADERS DO, especially during trying times like now. Congratulations...

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social media posts Jan 30, 2020

Times are changing fast, are you? Think Ahead - Stay Ahead







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Influence Builder

social media posts Jan 23, 2020

"Leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less." John C. Maxwell

If you want to be a better leader, you need to elevate your influence. Leadership is a skill that we all possess and can grow if we are intentional and consistent about it. 






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R.E.A.L. Success as the Road to Significance

social media posts May 20, 2019

Success-2-Significance: Success is the prerequisite for significance. To impact others and leave a legacy we need to have success as our foundation. But do you know how to attain REAL success, not the temporary and superficial, but meaningful and long-lasting? Join me in this 4 week ONLINE journey to learn the 4 pillars of success that form a strong foundation for you to stand on and bring others along with you. You cannot give what you do not have, fill your cup with success to share with others! https://tinyurl.com/yymad59l

#Success2Significane #Success #NewGenGlobalLeaders #Legacy #GrowthJourney #ElevateYourLife #ThinkingToSuccess

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